Landmark Marine

Marine Consultants

Landmark Marine (LMEC) offers a wide range of consultancy services which is a very suitable arrangement when a specific survey is not applicable or appropriate. On occasions when investigations, studies or simply representing an owner is required, a Consulting Contract can offer the flexibility to get the job done. Amongst the consultancy services offered are:
Landmark Marine 
-    Supervision of routine and unscheduled dry dockings of ships.

-    Hull Treatment and Paint Consultation.

-   Investigating the causes of engine and machinery damage.

-    Owner's representative for the refit of vessels.

-    Owner's representative during the purchase of vessels.

-    Owner's representative for new construction.

-    Marine Fraud and Accident Investigations.

-    Technical Expertise & Testimony.

-    Cargo Loss/Contamination Claims/Loss Prevention/Loss Adjuster.

Management Systems  Consultants

Landmark Marine (LMEC) has a team of experience and qualified auditors with whom we offer all our clients consultancy services on the International Safety Management Code (ISM Code) & International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code), Maritime Labour Convention MLC 2006.  

Also LMEC has the experienced and qualified auditors for the following Management Systems:

  • ISO 9001 Quality Management System.
  • ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems.
  • ISO 28000 Supply Chain Security Management Systems.
  • OSHAS 18001 Occupational Healths and Safety Management System.

LMEC represent the DNVGL Future Shipping Company for the Management systems consulting at Egypt.





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